Popular Java Programming Languages Used

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31 January 2019
Bahasa Pemrograman Java

Javanese is a language originating from Java. While. Java language is the language used to create a program and is one of the types of high-level programming languages ​​/ High Level Language.

In 1990 Java was developed by Sun’s engineer James Gosling as a programming language that served as the brain for smart devices such as interactive TV and a versatile oven. Gosling was not satisfied with the results he got when writing a program with C ++ / other programming languages, so he resigned in his office & wrote new programming languages ​​to better suit his needs.

Gosling then named his new programming language with the name Oak, which is the name of a tree that he could see from his office window; then he named it Green, and then renamed it Java, which came from Java / Java Coffee, which was reportedly consumed by James Gosling. The Java programming language is then part of Sun’s strategy to make millions of dollars when interactive TV becomes a multimillion-dollar industry.

Coincidentally the World Wide Web became something so popular, there were many advantages that made Gosling’s language well-used & suitable for the project and on tools for adaptation to the Web. The Sun developer then devised a way for programs that will run safely from web pages & choose interesting new names to accompany the new focus of the language, namely Java.

Although Java can be used for many things, the Web provides a view that is needed to attract international attention. A programmer who places a Java program on a web page can be accessed directly to the entire “Web-surfing” planet. Because Java is the first technology that can offer this capability, Java later became the first computer programming language that could receive treatment like a star in the media.

Java is a programming language for various purposes / general purpose, programming languages ​​that are class-based, concurrent, and object-oriented that are specifically designed to have as little dependence as possible in their application. This is intended to allow developers to write once, run anywhere (WORA), which means that the code that is run on one platform does not need to be recompiled for another place. Java is now one of the most popular programming languages ​​used mainly for client-server web applications with around 10 million users.

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